Thursday, September 29, 2011

Matthew Monteith, Old School @ International Center of Photography Education Gallery

The show is what you might expect from a decade-old work from Monteith, dating back to the beginning of his artistic career at the International Center of Photography. Each picture is a clear, straightforward, meticulous breakdown of a place, slicing it up and visually storing each detail into its correct photograph. But like much of straight photography, some very nice things happen in the process, Robert Cappa’s bronzed head gets packed away in a crate, photo history explodes into little colored file labels, and a lovely undergrad sticks her head out of an upper floor window. If you happened to be an undergrad in New York City studying photography in the 90’s, it is hard not to find the pictures a pleasant slice of sentimentality, in the best of ways, like Agent Copper eating pie.

Thought Nov. 27th 


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